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The intent of our blog is to share with family and friends our two year journey living and working in Italy. To all of you who have visited or lived in Italy before, we welcome your suggestions for things to see. places to go, and people to meet!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

At the Department Store

I went on a mission to find a pair of gray slacks for work, replenish some cosmetics I need, and stop at the dry cleaners. Since we live in an upper middle class neighborhood, in a highly popular tourist area, I have been aghast at the prices in the local shops in my area. True it is fun to window shop Gucci, Armani, Feragamo, etc. but 675 Euro for a purse? I don't think so. At last I got a recommendation from an Italian friend of a department store in the neighborhood which has reasonably priced clothes, and my sizes.

Sizes in Italy
First of all, I want to warn you that your size in Italian clothes will be more than double your US size. If you are a person who shops by the numbers, you will have heart failure! I believe it is the millimeter equivalent of inches by either waist, hip, or bust, but who knows! I just kept on trying on things until I found something that fits. Of course everything is always too long for me, even in the US, so my next stop will be at the tailor's to get a hem in my new pants.

The styles are really not cut for my body shape. They are really more for taller, slender and less curvaceous body types. While I did purchase slacks, they are truly not a good fit, just adequate. I will continue my search for a store that really has clothing for my body and taste in clothing.

Fall Fashions and Styles
The colors are all very muted. Black remains the all time popular color, but gray, taupe, and brown are in abundance as well. I love the sweaters here. They are everywhere and in really soft cashmere, angora and silks. Here are a couple examples of the sweaters we are seeing.

Lots of lavender, purple, burgundy colors this season
This particular department store is called Upim. It is about the size of a Kohls although without the housewares and stuff, just purely clothing, cosmetics and accessories. There is a men's department below but I wasn't up for the stairs so didn't check it out. I consider their prices reasonable, about what I would pay at a Penneys or Sears in the US.

Too bad I ran out of Euros before I got to this department!

There were a couple of sales clerks that spoke a little English, so that was helpful. Johnnie is holding up another beautiful sweater that looks like something my daughter Michelle would wear. It is tunic length and with a nice belt and over leggings or even a pretty skirt, this would be nice.

Another find on this trip is a really nice wool coat. I thought of both my girls when I saw this one.

The Italians are already in the their heavy winter coats, even though it is still in the 50s and 60s during the day. The stores are full of beautiful wool coats and lots of puffy down-type jackets. And of course, we are seeing boots galore along with lots of scarves everywhere we look.

Other stores
While out roaming around, I had to take a picture of Yamamay. This is a chain I see everywhere around. It is a trendy teen and young adult clothing shop. This was a cute display for pajamas.

And what great fortune, there is a brand new Apple store nearby. We bought our adaptor for the TV there just last week. Now, you would expect the Apple store to be called the Apple store, or, if you do a literal translation, apple in Italian is mele, so perhaps the Mele store, or even the M store? But not so, for some reason it is called the R Store. Go figure.

Apple Store in Napoli

1 comment:

  1. The clothing is much like the clothing in Fred Myers here. Thanks for the info.
