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The intent of our blog is to share with family and friends our two year journey living and working in Italy. To all of you who have visited or lived in Italy before, we welcome your suggestions for things to see. places to go, and people to meet!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

More Blessings and More Time of Reflection

Christ the Lord is risen today! Alleluia!

Hearing the familiar tune of one of my most favorite hymns, and being in worship service this morning is one of the best experiences!

Some thoughts that come to mind:

The gift of hospitality
Not everyone has the gift of hospitality. It is more than just inviting guests into your home. I think that is why it is described in scripture as a gift; some people have a special ability to really make people feel welcome and comfortable and "at home". Beyond just that, I think it also has to do with putting yourself in someone else's shoes, so to speak, and figuring out what would bless them. I also am beginning to understand the gift of hospitality extends to strangers as well, not just people you know. We know a special couple that extended huge hospitality to us while I was recuperating from the pneumonia by letting us stay at their house several weeks. Their hospitality is such that they have a wing of their home reserved  for missionaries, and others that the Lord sends their way. Now that is hospitality!

Staying with friends in Everett - we do wish they would have arranged a little warmer weather!
Romans 12:13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

I am praying that the Lord will increase my awareness of the meaning of true Biblical hospitality and my talents in that direction. It may not be my most strong calling but I always want to make people feel welcome and like they can call me anytime and say "hey, can I come spend some time with you?".

The gift of helps
Now this is one of those spiritual gifts that has always baffled me a bit. It seems so obvious we should all be helpful to each other and to strangers. God's Word gives us lots of instructions about sharing the good news, visiting the sick and those in prison, taking care of widows and orphans, and aren't those all "helps"? So why does the scripture specifically mention Helps as a spiritual gift and how is that different from what the Lord expects of all his followers acting out their faith?

1 Cor. 12:28 And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. 

Romans 12:6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,[b] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

We know some people that are very gifted in the area of Helps. These people just work in such a quiet, supportive way, without many people noticing, just continuing to do one act of kindness after another. We have such friends that have given us rides, kept us company when we were lonely, gone with us to appointments and to run errands when we need support, make phone calls for us, stop by for a chat, check in on us to see how we are doing, and so many other acts of Helps that it really is hard to even describe all of them.We had several invitations to stay with friends and other invitations for meals together, people who really reach and live out their faith through action.

Thank you Lord for gifting our friends with Helps, and for bringing them in to our lives at a time when we so needed help. I ask your continued blessing on them as they use their gifts serving others.

Blessing of special friends come for a visit 
What a special occasion that friends come to see us thousands of miles away. We were so excited to have them and to be able to "show off" a little bit of our new home and country that adopted us (or we adopted it). The best part is when we all got the giggles driving around half lost (not totally lost) down around Ercolano, driving up roads that dead ended and we had to back down, honking back at the irate Italians who honked at us, and then, we found this really neat little restaurant and had a great meal there together. All this was pretty much in the pouring rain!

Tres amiche before departure

Anticipation of new growth and new beginnings in Spring
Sunshine, rain, and time to plant flowers and veggies and think about barbecues and long walks. Johnnie woke up to strange sounds outside the house the other day that turned out to be some sheep herder with his flock across the road grazing the tender grass.

Johnnie is in the country now! Our neighbor grazing his sheep across the road

Challenges of living in a new culture
We are entering a new phase of challenges being in our own home and having much more square footage to clean and decorate and organize and occupy. We also need to find new places for worship, shopping, hair salon, dry cleaning, post office, doctor's office, pharmacy, garden shop, etc. These things take time but are an important part of connecting with the community.

Major cultural accomplishments this week:
*We went to Ikea and managed to order two closets and some bookcases to be delivered to the house. This might sound like a small thing but, with the language barrier, it felt like a major achievement!
*Found two new restaurants in Mercogliano, the post office, and two garden centers.
*Found out how to pay our internet and sky tv bills - at the tabacci shop! Then setup accounts online in Italian, so we could see when the bill comes due and print it off!
*Got all my expense reports completed and submitted, and, filed the insurance claim form for the stuff damaged in the move
*Johnnie had his first tutored language lesson and that was a bust. Oh well, we'll try again.

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